Monday, August 20, 2007

8-19-2007 PM Church notes

8-19-2007 PM Sunday

Jeremiah 1:4-10
"How to become a person God can use"

1. A sense of calling because of the preparation of God - vs. 4-5
-all saved are called into service
-all tragedies and blessings are molding us for Him

A. I put you together-
"I formed you"
Before we are born

B. I know who you are-
"I knew you"
Before He formed us in the womb

C. I set you apart-
"I sanctified you"
God gives us to a ministry not a ministry to us

D. I called you to a task-
"I ordained you"
It took Moses 40 years to be prepared ( yikes!)

-When we find out what God is calling us to do , nothing else satisfies

2. A sense of comfort because of the prescense of God- vs. 6-8
-It is the weak that God uses

We don't have to have all of our ducks in a row to serve God. ( this hit me hard) ouch!

3. A sense of courage because the power of God. - vs. 9-10

Jeremiah preached and preached and noone responded.


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