Sunday, August 26, 2007

Less is More...

I found this in some old paperwork and thought it would be awesome to share on here...

"Seven Ways to have less of you and More of God"
by Mark Tabb

1. Live below your means, rather then beyond them.
The average American spends $1.22 for every $1.00 made. How can you enjoy the life God inteded for you if you live a lifestyle of consumption?

2.Buy things for their usefulness rather then their status.
Look for value in every purchase, not trends. People may judge you according to what you wear or what you drive, but at the end of the day, what God thinks is what counts. Be aware of product promotion. You don't need more stuff to live a happier life.

3. De-accumulate.
Discover the joy of giving gifts from the things you use. go through your closet and give to local charities. They need it, and you'll feel good knowing it can make a difference in someone's life. Life consists of so much more then our possesions.

4. Spend wisely. See your money as God's possesion, not yours.
When you look in your wallet, see God's money. Let God's enough be enough. Using your money wisely does not mean you can never splurge. God sometimes splurges on us, and there are times we should splurge on others.

5. Invest your resources in people, not stuff.
The best way to have a heart for people is to invest your treasures in them. The Bible says, "Where your treasure is , there your heart will be also" ( Matthew 6:21)

6. Give to your local church.
When you give to God through your church, it's an excercise of faith and an expression of your dependence on Him.

7. Enjoy what you have as a gift from God
James 1:17 says , "Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above"

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